A circuit board with a Made in China caption

Members Briefing: China’s semiconductor ecosystem

Jun 30, 2021 12:00 - 13:00
Members only

Presentation of exclusive SNV and MERICS report

This exclusive 60-minute online session saw the first presentation and opportunity for discussion of the new extensive report: “Mapping China’s semiconductor ecosystem in global context - Strategic Dimensions and Implications.” The study was jointly written by John Lee, Senior Analyst at MERICS, and Jan-Peter Kleinhans, Director for “Technology and Geopolitics” at Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV).

Vera Philipps, Director East Asia at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) provided commentary after the initial presentation, followed by a discussion involving the participants of the event. The event will be moderated by Bernhard Bartsch, Director External Relations at MERICS. Content of the event is treated as confidential.

This event is part of the MERICS membership program

MERICS members had privileged access to this event. If you want to learn more about our membership model for institutions and businesses, please click here.
