Dr. Naser Al-Tamimi is a UK-based political economist and ISPI senior associate research fellow focused on the Gulf region with research interests in energy and Arab/GCC – Asia/China relations. He is focused on the Gulf region with research interests in energy and Arab/GCC – Asia/China relations. He received his Ph.D. in international relations from Durham University in the UK, where his thesis focused on China’s relations with Saudi Arabia. He has written widely on matters concerning Saudi Arabia, Gulf, and the Middle East for both academic and popular publications. He is the author of, “China-Saudi Arabia Relations, 1990-2012: Marriage of Convenience or Strategic Alliance” Routledge, 2014.
Die Expert:innen vom Mercator Institute for China Studies beantworten gern Ihre Anfragen rund um das Thema China.

Die Expert:innen vom Mercator Institute for China Studies beantworten gern Ihre Anfragen rund um das Thema China.
Naser Al-Tamimi
Dr. Naser Al-Tamimi is a UK-based political economist and ISPI senior associate research fellow focused on the Gulf region with research interests in energy and Arab/GCC – Asia/China relations. He is focused on the Gulf region with research interests in energy and Arab/GCC – Asia/China relations. He received his Ph.D. in international relations from Durham University in the UK, where his thesis focused on China’s relations with Saudi Arabia. He has written widely on matters concerning Saudi Arabia, Gulf, and the Middle East for both academic and popular publications. He is the author of, “China-Saudi Arabia Relations, 1990-2012: Marriage of Convenience or Strategic Alliance” Routledge, 2014.